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Reaching men lost in addiction

Providing visionary leadership, direction and coordination to the combined strategic Teen Challenge initiative of the UP of India, we stand poised to serve the needs of the nation with real answers and faith-based solutions for people in need and those who love them.

Lucknow TC Board Members

Dr. Abraham Varghese
Founder & Executive Director

REV. P Mathai
District Superintendent,
A.G Northern India
Chairman of the board

Mr. P. V. Kurien -Director, OM india

Mr. B. Nath
Treasurer -Accountant,
I T College, Lucknow

REV.Joseph Gordon
Assemblies of God AGWM U.P.
Member: Lucknow Teen Challenge Board

Mr. Kishen Lal
Member: Lucknow Teen Challenge Board

Mr. Carrol Lal
Member: Lucknow Teen Challenge Board

Mrs. Gyatrittygai Tygai
Member: Lucknow Teen Challenge Board

A message from Rev. P. Mathai TC Chairman of the Board

Dr Mathai

Lucknow is the capital city of Uttar Pradesh which is the largest state in India. Lucknow Teen Challenge  was born in the hearts of the few friends after seeing the plight of the helpless youth  ruined by drug addiction &alcoholism and with a realization that the only hope for these people is the message of the Gospel.

As our prayers went up Dr.A.Varghese with his wife Lizie and two sons arrived in the city of Lucknow with the burden for this hurting people.

Immediately he was made the director of this rescue mission and thus Lucknow Teen Challenge was given birth under his leadership. The desire to let God's love and compassion for people and families in pain has been Dr. Varghese's greatest desire & for the last ten years we have seen God at work in transforming the lives of dozens of broken lives.

It is shocking yet true that the major cities of North India have 3.5 million substance abusers and LUCKNOW city has 22,000 registered drug addicts. Lucknow Teen Challenge has the vision to reach out to these lost ones with the love of Christ to bring health, healing & wholeness in body, soul & spirit .Our vision is to establish a 100 bed rehabilitation centre with 20 staff on our 10 acre property.

We appreciate all our dear friends and partners for your faithful support and encouragement all these years. We depend totally on God trusting Him fully that he will continue to provide guidance and financial support. We consider you, friends and partners that you are the carriers of heavenly mercy and we look forward to your continuous partnership in rescuing these broken lives in North India.

Sincerely in God' love

Rev. .P. Mathai
Chairman of the Board
Lucknow Teen Challenge 

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